Among the prehistoric artifacts of Korea, there are certain types of pottery of exemplary beauty that capture our attention. They are known as hongdo (red-burnished pottery) and chaedo (pottery with eggplant design). The red shiny surfaces, distinctive eggplant-shaped designs, and sophisticated vessel forms of these two pottery types leave a strong impression. How and why did prehistoric people make and use such pottery? The aim of this exhibition is to address such questions.
‘Light x Color = Red Burnished Pottery x Pottery with Eggplant Design’ is the title of the first Special Exhibition presented by Jinju National Museum in 2020. Red-burnished pottery and pottery with eggplant design are the representative artifacts of Jinju, the central city of the Namgang River Basin, which extends throughout the western section of Gyeongsangnamdo Province. Jinju National Museum is home to the most extensive collection and display of red-burnished pottery and pottery with eggplant design in Korea, making it an ideal place to showcase the beauty of these artifacts.
We invite you to come to this central and important setting to experience the stories of hongdo and chaedo.