Definition of Reproduction (Copying)
The act of photographing/filming and filming an item from the museum’s collection or using a copy or photograph thereof
- If you wish to reproduce an item from the museum’s collection, fill out and submit an application form for reproduction five days in advance to obtain a written approval.
- When reproducing an item from the museum’s collection, you must follow the guidance of the public servant in charge to ensure the safety of the artifact in question.
- When using a copy, photograph, etc. of an item from the museum’s collection, you must indicate that it belongs to the Jinju National Museum and submit proof thereof to the museum.
- The copies, photographs, etc. of an item from the museum’s collection cannot be used for purposes other than what has been permitted by the museum and cannot be secondarily reproduced.
- When posting copyrighted works provided by the museum online, a copy protection program must be used for photographs in the size of 320 * 240 pixels or bigger
- Unauthorized use of any of the copyrighted works of the museum or failure to comply with the conditions set forth by the museum for providing copyrighted works is punishable under the Copyright Act. Those violating the copyright may be prohibited from using the copyrighted work in question for a certain period of time
- The fees for reproducing the items in the museum’s collection and related works are as follows, in accordance with Article 7 of the Artifact Reproduction Rules of the National Museum of Korea. If you wish to use a single copyrighted material via several types of medium or printed materials, you must pay the fee for each single medium/print
- To prevent damage, the only type of lighting that may be used during the reproduction process is limited to the one(s) provided by the museum
- Those who cause damage to the artifacts, facilities or any other objects belong to the museum must compensate for damages as determined by the director of the museum
Reproduction fee : Contact us for details
- For reproduction of artifacts, contact the Academic Research Office: Phone 055-740-0665 / Fax 055-748-6177
- For reproduction of photographs: contact the Academic Research Office: Phone 055-740-0688 / Fax 055-748-6177